Trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary people have always existed.

Across Turtle Island (colonially known as North America), there have been many examples of gender diversity existing in Indigenous communities.

Two-Spirit is a term used within some Indigenous communities to reflect complex understandings of gender, sexuality, spirituality and social roles within various Indigenous cultures. The terms and roles of Two-Spirit people are specific to each Nation.

Colonization brought strict ideas about gender and gender roles. For some Indigenous people, this has interrupted our knowing that gender diversity has a long history that predates the arrival of settlers from other parts of the world.

Part of reconciliation is to learn, remember and respect Indigenous gender diversity. This respect should be extended to all gender diverse people, no matter their culture.

“One thing that really comes up when it comes to the intergenerational piece is a misconception that transness and queerness is not an Indigenous way. It’s a misconception that is a result of colonization, and it causes a resistance to any information about our teachings that predate colonization by centuries.”
— Indigenous youth on how gender diversity isn’t new or a western concept
You may have questions about the place that trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary people have in Indigenous communities, cultures and histories. Learn the facts and clarify what you know by reading:

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Trans, Two-Spirit & non-binary Young People

Young people speak about the long histories of trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary people.

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Lane Bonertz

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Sapphire Woods

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Parents, caregivers & family members

Parents, caregivers and family members share what they know about the histories of gender-diverse people on Turtle Island.

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Chris and Mikara

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Two-Spirit & Indigenous community leaders

Indigenous community leaders share their knowledge of the histories of Two-Spirit, trans and non-binary people on Turtle Island.

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Chief Robert Joseph

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Elder Barbara

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Elder Charlotte

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Belonging, inclusion and affirmation helps trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary youth thrive.

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